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The Sport in Jimaguayu


The sectorial one belonging to sport of Jimaguayu, happens with the new administrative political division made in the country in the year 1976 with a weak infrastructure from the point of view of sports facilities and technical force, his first director was the companion Mario Sánchez and reduced task force they set about organizing and to get the sports motion going in the territory.



 To 1980 they practiced of way organized in the nascent municipality 5 sports disciplines.


Also 4 public demonstrations of Physical Culture developed:

Basic gymnastics.
Labor gymnastics.
Physical preparation.
Tie Gymnastic.

In the Physical Preparation they practiced:

Plan To Play.
Tourist recreation.
Plans ED hush it up.
I have the control.
The house and Sportsfishing.

In Physical Education it was given with professors of the specialty, were developing in 4 Elementary Schools, The institute Pino's Martyrs three and the ESBEC Martyrs of Bolivia.

In this first stage we should point like the bigger achievement, pertaining to activist's great motion that they manage to develop next to the authorities of the sport a favorable motion toward the practice of the physical exercise like sound way of job of free time and leisure.

From 1980 appreciates him the increment of specialists in the municipality propitiated by the graduations of the EPEF Manuel Piti Fajardo, as much of professors of sport and of Physical Education, increasing the practice of different sports disciplines adding to the mentioned before notably.


He duplicates him the participation in the competitions calendariadas as much to municipal level like provincial in the different categories and competitive phases, making a contribution athletes to national events and centers of high performances, obtaining results highlighted in the sport of Baseball First Categori, Judo and the fight in the phase pioneril and schoolchild.

In Physical Culture also in this stage the systematic practitioners and public demonstrations increase, Abuelo's Circles and the Musical Aerobic Gymnastics happen with great strength and the work with the areas Therapeutic begins to become perfect.


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