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Graduates of Higher Education

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In the Annex 2 of Resolution 8 of 2013 of the Department Of Labor and social security, establishes himself the procedure for the procedure of the changes of labor position of the recently gauged of average technician and superior level and is necessary to specify the terms for said process:

  1. The change step of labor position wants for the worker from the written foundation of its need of transfer the entity itself where it was assigned with a letter of acceptance of the organism that requests it.
  2. If the entity does not agree to grant the liberation he notifies it to the worker, in a term of ten (10) working days.
  3. If the entity agrees to grant the liberation notifies her to her organism which in turn, will be in charge of notifying his worker, the result of the analysis within the term of ten (10) working days.
  4. The organism evaluates the request and within the term of ten (10) working days the answer notifies the worker and emits the letter of liberation, in order to initiate the step in the Department Of Labor and Social Security.
  5. The Department Of Labor and Social Security has a term of ten (10) working days to pass or no, the request of transfer.
  6. For the motions of graduates of Superior Nivel; The organism that he liberates is the person in charge of presenting the compound file to the Department Of Labor and Social Security for:

    -Letter of liberation with the authorized signature of the organism it was to assigned the graduate, directed to Empleo's National Director of the Department Of Labor and Social Security.

    -Letter of acceptance with the authorized signature of the organism that accepts the graduate, directed to Empleo's National Director of the Department Of Labor and Social Security.

    -Ticket of Labor Ubicación of the graduate or its copy.

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